How to Use "Manner" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words manner (n): behavior; way of acting


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Used with verbs:

"Please mind your manners."

"You should teach that kid some manners."

"She learned good manners from her parents."

"His manner changed when he saw his mother."

"Show me your good manners."

"He has terrible manners."

Used with adjectives:

"We should approach this is an objective manner."
(objective, logical, orderly, uniform)

"She has a very mild manner."
(mild, professional, joking)

"Is this his usual manner?"

"She has a calm manner about her."
(calm, light-hearted, suspicious, cheerful, confident, decisive, relaxed)

"Your child has good manners."
(good, bad, proper, perfect)

"Her table manners are awful."

"They acted in a friendly manner."
(friendly, casual, playful, straightforward)

"He has a very kind manner."
(kind, thoughtful, rude, threatening)

Used with prepositions:

"There is something in his manner that irritates people."
(in, about)

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