How to Use "Narrow" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words narrow (adj): not wide; measuring at a short distance for one side to another side


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Used with verbs:

"The street is narrow."
(be: is/am/are, looks, seems, became)

Used with nouns:

"We took a narrow path to the waterfront."
(path, road, passage, trail)

"He walked through a narrow doorway."
(doorway, corridor, alley, hallway)

"The sidewalk is very narrow."
(sidewalk, room, river)

"There is a narrow space ahead."
(space, tunnel, valley)

"We made a narrow escape."
(escape, opening)

"It was a narrow victory."
(victory, win)

"She had narrow shoulders."
(shoulders, feet)

"There are narrow stripes on her shirt."

"I stood on a narrow ledge."
(ledge, beam, staircase)

Used with adverbs:

"The street is very narrow."
(very, a little, slightly, increasingly)

Study Vocabulary Words narrow (v): become less wide


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Used with nouns:

"The road narrowed ahead."
(road, river, path, street)

"We are narrowing the search."
(search, gap, margin)

"His eyes narrowed."

Used with adverbs:

"Her eyes narrowed suspiciously."
(suspiciously, a little, slightly)

"The path gradually narrowed."
(gradually, suddenly, considerably, dangerously)

Used with prepositions:

"Her eyes narrowed with suspicion."

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