How to Use "Material" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words material (n): a substance; cloth; something used to do a particular activity


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Used with verbs:

"We collected a few materials for the science project."
(collected, found, gathered, used)

"We published additional research materials."
(published, printed, produced)

"The report contains useful materials."
(contains, includes)

Used with adjectives:

"The factory uses raw materials."
(raw, toxic, natural, recycled, man-made, hazardous, original, artificial)

"I found some great new teaching materials."
(teaching, marketing, promotional, reference, bonus)

"I need supplemental materials."
(supplemental, supplementary, additional, extra, unpublished)

"We were not allowed to see the sensitive material."
(sensitive, classified, confidential)

"This shirt is made of synthetic material."
(synthetic, soft, fine, woven, good, organic)

"We bought some construction materials."
(construction, educational, instructional, building)

"I bought my daughter some art material."
(art, drawing, writing, reading)

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