How to Use "Head" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words head (n): the part of the body that holds the brain, eyes, nose, and mouth; the mind; one side of a coin; the person in charge of a group of people


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Used with adjectives:

"He has a bald head."
(bald, shaved)

"I can see her blond head."
(blond, dark, fair, gray, graying)

"I can't get anything done with a throbbing head."

"I need to keep a level head today."
(level, cool, clear)

"We have a meeting tomorrow with the assistant head."
(assistant, department)

Used with verbs:

"He poked his head out the window."
(poked, stuck, popped, put)

"She lifted her head to see better."
(lifted, raised, tilted, turned)

"He hung his head in embarrassment."
(hung, lowered, bowed, dropped)

"They all nodded their heads."
(nodded, shook)

"He scratched his head in confusion."

"She hit her head when she fell."
(hit, banged, bumped)

"He patted the puppy's head ."

"Ostriches bury their heads in the sand."

"She laid her head on the arm of the chair."
(laid, leaned, rested)

"Make sure you cover your head when it is cold."

"He always shaves his head in the summer."

"Her head was pounding so she went home early."
(be + pounding, be + aching, be + throbbing)

"You need to use your head."

"The thought never entered my head."

"I just need to clear my head."

"She called heads to see who would go first."

Used with nouns:

"He has a head injury."
(injury, cold)

"We have a new head coach this year."

Used with prepositions:

"The ball went over his head."

"They watched the plane circle above their heads."

"I can figure out the math problem in my head."

"What is going on inside your head?"

Study Vocabulary Words head (v): to go somewhere; to lead; to be in charge of something


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Used with adverbs:

"We need to head west."
(west, north, east, south)

"They headed down the mountain."
(down, off)

"I think it's time to head out."

"We should head back now."

Used with verbs:

"They appointed me to head the committee."
(appointed, elected, chose)

Used with prepositions:

"We should head towards home."
(towards, for)

Used with nouns:

"We are heading into traffic."

"He was chosen to head the department."
(department, division, coalition, investigation, task force, team, group)

"They headed that way."

"He will head the government."
(government, party, regime)

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