How to Use "Mountain" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words mountain (n): a giant hill; a huge amount of something


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Used with verbs:

"He descended the mountain."
(descended, ascended. climbed, went up, came down)

"We crossed the mountains."
(crossed, scaled, hid in)

"Our hotel room overlooks the mountains."

"The mountains tower over the land."
(tower over, surround)

"The mistake generated a mountain of extra work."
(generated, produced)

"They are facing a mountain of debt."
(be + facing)

Used with nouns:

"We flew over the mountain range."
(range, chain, top)

"We walked along the mountain path."
(path, pass, road)

"He photographs mountain landscape."
(landscape, scenery, peaks, ridges, caves, lakes, streams)

"We're enjoying the mountain air."
(air, view)

"We saw mountain people."
(people, climbers)

"We witnessed a mountain rescue."

"Let's go mountain climbing next weekend."

"We saw a mountain goat."
(goat, lion)

"I bought a mountain bike."

Used with adjectives:

"We have a lovely view of the snow-capped mountains."
(snow-capped, snow-covered, distant)

"There are big mountains in the distance."
(big, majestic, volcanic, great, large, tall)

"We climbed a small mountain."
(small, step, low, high)

Used with prepositions:

"I have a mountain of work."

"She drove across the mountains."
(across, through, over)

"He lives deep in the mountains."

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