How to Use "Nail" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words nail (n): hard covering at the tips of fingers; thin pointed piece of metal


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Used with verbs:

"We removed the old nails from the board."
(removed, pulled)

"I broke my nail again."
(broke, chipped)

"He hammered the nail into the wall."
(hammered, pounded)

"She painted her nails red."
(painted, polished)

"She is filing her nails."
(be + filing, be + trimming, be + cutting, be + clipping)

"Stop biting your nails."
(biting, chewing)

Used with nouns:

"I used her nail clippers."
(clippers, file)

"He hammered the nail head."

"I bought a bottle of nail polish."

"We went to a nail salon."

"We need to get a nail gun."

"Throw away the nail clippings."

Used with adjectives:

"Watch out for rusty nails."
(rusty, bent)

"I got a broken nail while I was fixing my bike."

"She has long nails."
(long, sharp, short, brittle, fake)

"She takes care of her manicured nails."
(manicured, polished, painted)

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