How to Use "Notice" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words notice (v): see


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Used with verbs:

"I pretended not to notice that things were going badly."
(pretended not to, failed to, couldn't help but)

"He didn't seem to notice I was sad."
(didn't seem to, didn't appear to)

Used with nouns:

"He notices everything."

"I noticed a movement."
(movement, improvement, similarity, trend)

"We noticed a pattern."
(pattern, resemblance, change, difference)

"They noticed a smell."
(smell, sign)

"She noticed my absence."
(absence, expression)

Used with adverbs:

"They suddenly noticed him."
(suddenly, just, quickly)

"We noticed her at once."
(at once, immediately, instantly)

"She finally noticed me."
(finally, hardly, barely, eventually)

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