How to Use "Rain" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words rain (v): to have drops of water fall from the sky


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Used with adverbs:

"It rained non-stop all night."
(non-stop, hard, heavily, lightly)

"It rained a little this morning."
(a little, a lot)

Used with verbs:

"It started to rain when we went outside."
(started to, began to)

"It is going to rain."
(be + going to)

Study Vocabulary Words rain (n): drops of water that fall from the sky


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Used with verbs:

"Rain fell heavily all night."
(fell, came down, poured)

"The pouring rain drenched us."
(drenched, soaked)

"The rain hasn't let up yet."
(let up, stopped)

"The rain came yesterday."
(came, started)

"The rain continued for the rest of the day."

Used with nouns:

"The flowers are covered in raindrops."
(drops, water)

"I have new rain boots."
(boots, gear)

"I am wearing my rain coat."

"I can see the rain clouds coming."

"A rainstorm is coming."

Used with adjectives:

"We drove in the pouring rain."
(pouring, pounding, heavy, hard)

"We had freezing rain last night."
(freezing, steady, intermittent, driving)

"We are expecting heavy rain tomorrow."
(heavy, light, little)

"I can't take the constant rain anymore."
(constant, continuous)

Used with prepositions:

"We walked in the pouring rain."
(in, through)

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