How to Use "Occasion" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words occasion (n): an important or special event; a time when something happens


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Used with verbs:

"I remembered the occasion."
(remembered, recalled, marked, celebrated)

"The occasion calls for wine."
(calls for)

Used with adjectives:

"We met him on multiple occasions."
(multiple, countless, many)

"It's a special occasion."
(special, social, rare, joyous, formal, festive, happy)

"This is a historic occasion."
(historic, important, sad, great, big, memorable, momentous)

"I saw her on a previous occasion."
(previous, separate, different)

"It's the right occasion to buy a house."

Used with prepositions:

"I see her on occasion."

Previous Word by Letter: obviously
Next Word by Letter: occasionally
Previous Word by Frequency: host
Next Word by Frequency: outcome

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