How to Use "Oil" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words oil (n): a thick liquid that comes from the ground and is used on machines; a thick liquid that comes from plants and is used for cooking or on the skin


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Used with verbs:

"They are drilling for oil in the desert."
(be + drilling for, be + finding, be + discovering, be + pumping)

"The car uses a lot of oil."
(uses, burns)

"Our country imports oil."
(imports, exports, produces, refines, struck)

"I drizzled oil on the potatoes."
(drizzled, poured, rubbed)

"I added more oil to the stir fry."

"I fried the vegetables in oil."
(fried in, cooked in, boiled in)

"First, heat the oil."

"I need to change the oil in my car."
(change, check)

"She rubbed baby oil on her shoulders."
(rubbed, massaged)

Used with nouns:

"I only have a drop of oil in the can."

"He is an oil baron."

"Oil prices are falling."
(prices, reserves)

"Oil production in the country is high."

"There was a huge oil spill."

"The truck was carrying oil barrels."
(barrels, drums)

"They are building an oil pipeline."
(pipeline, refinery)

"The oil tanker caught on fire."
(tanker, rig)

"The oil company makes lots of money."
(company, industry)

Used with adjectives:

"He has a can of crude oil."
(crude, refined, mineral, engine)

"The soap was infused with fragrant oil."
(fragrant, scented, essential)

"You should eat more omega-3 oil."
(omega-3, cod liver)

"I cook with vegetable oil."
(vegetable, canola, peanut, olive, sesame)

"The oil is rancid."

"I like using bath oil."
(bath, massage, body, baby, castor)

"I need more motor oil."
(motor, cooking)

Used with prepositions:

"I used olive oil in my salad dressing."

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