How to Use "Picture" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words picture (n): an image of something; a painting or drawing; a photograph; a movie


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Used with verbs:

"My daughter made a picture."
(made, drew, painted, colored)

"We posed for a picture together."
(posed for, took)

"I took a picture of them."
(took, shot)

"I framed the picture."
(framed, hung, displayed, showed)

"Look at this picture."
(look at, see)

"She uploaded five pictures."
(uploaded, downloaded, emailed, sent, printed)

Used with nouns:

"These picture frames are expensive."

"Picture books are for children."

"I received a picture postcard from their trip."

Used with adjectives:

"We looked at his baby pictures."
(baby, family, wedding, school)

"He takes such beautiful pictures."
(beautiful, lovely, pretty, wonderful)

"The pictures were blurry."
(blurry, fuzzy)

"He loves taking black and white pictures."
(black and white, color, digital)

"I don't think you are seeing the whole picture."
(whole, complete, big, full)

"She painted a clear picture of what her life would be like in five years."
(clean, pretty, general, overall, perfect)

"He directed a major picture for Hollywood."
(major, motion)

"The movie won an award for best picture."

Used with prepositions:

"It is a picture of a dog."

"There was a girl in the picture."

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