How to Use "Operation" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words operation (n): the process of medically repairing a person's body by opening it up; an organized event that consists of many people doing different things


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Used with verbs:

"He ran the whole operation alone."
(ran, launched, supervised, conducted, began)

"He performed the operation yesterday."
(performed, carried out, conducted, oversaw)

"He needs an operation on his leg."
(needs, had, got)

Used with adjectives:

"He needs an emergency operation."
(emergency, life-saving, major, minor, small, routine)

"They launched a rescue operation."
(rescue, massive, successful)

"Day-to-day operations are going smoothly."

"This is a delicate operation."
(delicate, undercover, big, special)

Used with prepositions:

"He was awake during the operation."
(during, for)

"The operation on her heart went well."

"The business is still in operation."

Previous Word by Letter: operate
Next Word by Letter: opinion
Previous Word by Frequency: obviously
Next Word by Frequency: physically

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