How to Use "Opinion" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words opinion (n): a person's own feeling or thought about something


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Used with verbs:

"You should voice your opinion more often."
(voice, state, express, give)

"We sought another opinion."
(sought, got, offered, had)

"He shared his opinion with me."

"She asked for my opinion."
(asked for)

"My family has shaped my opinions."

"She holds a high opinion of you."

"Our opinions differ."
(differ, changed, vary)

"I formed my opinion early."

"Do you want my honest opinion?"

Used with nouns:

"They took an opinion poll."

"She writes an opinion piece for the Sunday paper."
(piece, column)

Used with adjectives:

"Her personal opinion is important to me."
(personal, medical, legal)

"Public opinion is in his favor."
(public, popular, international, national, local, general)

"There is a divided opinion in the city."
(divided, mixed)

"In my honest opinion, she's right."
(honest, humble, expert, professional)

"She has a low opinion of me."
(low, poor, strong, good, high)

"The popular opinion has changed."
(popular, majority)

"You should get a second opinion."
(second, informed)

Used with prepositions:

"In my opinion, you were wrong."

"What is your opinion of her?"
(of, on, about)

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