How to Use "Organize" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words organize (v): to put in a neat order; to arrange in a particular way


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Used with verbs:

"I tried to organize a boycott."
(tried, helped, failed, sought)

"He learned how to organize his time."
(learned how to, was able to)

"He managed to organize a successful team."
(managed to, failed to, be + able to, tried to)

Used with nouns:

"I need to organize my closet."

"They are organizing a show."
(show, tournament trip, boycott)

"I organized a competition."
(competition, coalition, event, excursion)

"She has to learn how to organize her finances."
(finances, time, space)

"He organized an exhibit last year."
(exhibit, exhibition, meeting, strike)

Used with adverbs:

"She neatly organized the pictures on her wall."
(neatly, carefully)

"He successfully organized a great event."
(successfully, properly)

"She is known to organize her events well."
(well, badly, poorly)

Used with prepositions:

"We are organizing the books according to size."
(according to)

"We're organizing the event around his arrival."

"We organized the class into four groups."

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