How to Use "Parent" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words parent (n): a mother or father


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Used with verbs:

"It is important to listen to your parents."
(listen to, respect, obey, love, honor)

"We became parents in 1989."
(became, were, lost our)

Used with adjectives:

"This year they became new parents."
(new, foster, adoptive, first-time)

"He's a divorced parent of two children."
(divorced, strict, married, unmarried)

"She is an abusive parent."
(abusive, bad, overprotective, fun)

"Her biological parents live in Romania."
(biological, birth, real, aging, elderly)

"It is very difficult to be a single parent."
(single, unmarried, good, surrogate)

"I only have one surviving parent now."
(surviving, living)

"They are the proud parents of twins."
(proud, loving, devoted)

"He is lucky to have very supportive parents."
(supportive, involved)

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