How to Use "Partner" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words partner (n): someone you work with or are in a relationship with


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Used with verbs:

"I need to find a partner for the event."
(find, pick, choose, have)

"I am looking for a business partner."
(be + looking for, be + seeking, be + searching for)

"Can we switch partners?"
(switch, change)

"I finally married my lifelong partner."

Used with adjectives:

"I bumped into my former partner at the party."
(former, one-time)

"We are romantic partners."
(romantic, intimate, business, trading)

"We are equal partners in this endeavor."
(equal, strategic, financial)

"I hope you can be my dancing partner on Friday."
(dancing, bridge, doubles, tennis, badminton)

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