How to Use "Party" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words party (n): a fun social event; a political group; a group of people doing something together


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Used with verbs:

"We are throwing a big party this weekend."
(be + throwing, be + having, be + hosting, be + attending, be + going to, be + planning, be + organizing)

"We are invited to a birthday party."
(be + invited to)

"They ruined the surprise party."
(ruined, spoiled, left, crashed)

"The political party was established ten years ago."
(be + established, be + formed, be + founded, be + built)

"She belongs to a political party."
(belongs to, joined, voted for, leads)

Used with adjectives:

"I hope you can come to my birthday party tonight."
(birthday, cocktail, dance, graduation, tea, surprise, holiday, dinner)

"The wedding party will be arriving soon."
(wedding, bridal, rescue, search)

"The Democratic Party expects to win the upcoming election."
(Democratic, Republican, Communist)

"Each political party is sending a representative to the capital."
(political, government)

Used with nouns:

"They counted the number of party guests."

"What is your party affiliation?"
(affiliation, politics)

"They handed out hats as party favors."
(favors, gifts)

"All of the party members gathered in the hall to vote for a new leader."
(members, representatives, delegates, officials)

Used with prepositions:

"We had a few drinks at the party."
(at, during, before, after)

"I'm having a surprise party for my husband."

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