How to Use "Personal" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words personal (adj): private; having to do with a particular person


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Used with nouns:

"I keep my personal beliefs to myself."
(beliefs, philosophy, convictions, opinions, preferences)

"Sometimes it's best to keep your personal problems private."
(problems, views, relationships, matters, life, history)

"He took personal responsibility for the company's failure."
(responsibility, accountability)

"I work as a personal assistant for a successful lawyer."
(assistant, aide, secretary)

"He gave me his personal assurance that we would be taken care of."
(assurance, guarantee)

"In my personal experience, long-distance relationships don't work."

"This song is my personal favorite."

"You should pay attention to your personal appearance when you go to a job interview."
(appearance, hygiene)

"Being a vegetarian is a personal choice."
(choice, decision)

"I opened a personal account at the bank."

"Can you give me some more personal space?"

"Don't give strangers your personal information."
(information, address, number)

"I think he is using us for his personal gain."

"My personal finances are a mess right now."

"As your personal representative, I advise you to sue him."

"We hired a personal tutor."
(tutor, shopper)

"These items are for personal use."
(use, consumption)

"These are my personal belongings."
(belongings, possessions)

"From my personal point of view, you did the right thing."
(point of view, perspective, view)

"My personal expenses exceeded $500 last month."
( expenses, budget)

"This house is my personal property."

"For your personal safety, hang on to the guard rail."
(safety, security, well-being)

"Art and music are forms of personal expression."

"Running a successful business requires personal sacrifice."

"Those flowers really give the room a personal touch."

"In English, there are singular and plural personal pronouns."

Used with verbs:

"It is too personal to discuss in public."
(be: is/am/are, feels, seems, sounds)

"You are getting too personal with the questions."
(be + getting, be + becoming)

Used with adverbs:

"The conversation was getting deeply personal."
(deeply, extremely, highly, very, too, rather)

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