How to Use "School" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words school (n): a place to learn


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Used with adjectives:

"I went to elementary school in Seattle."
(elementary, grade, high, junior high, middle, prep, graduate, trade)

"She sent her kids to boarding school."
(boarding, religious, Catholic, private, all-boys, all-girls)

"James had to attend summer school after failing math."

"She went to law school in New York."
(law, medical, med, art, military)

Used with verbs:

"I went to school in Florida."
(went to, attended)

"I started school at five years old."
(started, entered, began, went to)

"She stayed in school until she was eighteen."
(stayed in, went to, attended)

"Mark dropped out of school when he was seventeen."
(dropped out, quit, left)

"He teaches elementary school in Atlanta."

Used with nouns:

"Our class went to the school gym."
(gym, library, theater, field, playground)

"He was sent to the school principal."
(principal, office, nurse)

"School meals are rarely healthy."
(meals, lunches)

"The school rules are very strict."

"He rides the school bus every morning."

"My kids wear school uniforms."

Used with prepositions:

"Let's meet after school."
(after, during, before)

"He wasn't very good at school."
(at, in)

"She is the smartest child in the school."

"It is time to get ready for school."

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