How to Use "Place" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words place (n): a particular location; a particular position


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Used with verbs:

"We got a place downtown."

"I use this bookmark to keep my place."
(keep, mark, save)

"Don't lose your place in line."
(lose, give up)

"Return to your original place."
(return, go back)

"Please take your place on stage."

"Can we switch places?"
(switch, trade, swap, change)

"We set an extra place for her at the dinner table."

Used with adjectives:

"She finished the race in first place."
(first, second, third, last)

"This is a great gathering place for a picnic."
(gathering, public, resting)

"This is a nice place."
(nice, beautiful, interesting, strange, faraway, good, bad, terrible, horrible) * many additional adjectives

"The airport is a busy place."
(busy, crowded, hectic)

"The library is a quiet place."
(quiet, peaceful)

"The kids were playing in a secret place."
(secret, remote, hiding, safe, dangerous)

"This is the best place to be right now."
(best, worst, right, wrong)

Used with nouns:

"Please set six place mats for dinner?"
(mats, settings, cards)

Used with prepositions:

"He broke his leg in four places."

"We like to eat at that place."

"I walked into a strange place."
(into, out of)

"He lives in a small place on the corner."
(on, near, around)

"This is my place of business."

"Let me take you to the place."

"He came from that place."

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