How to Use "Police" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words police (n): an organization that solves and prevents crimes and makes people obey laws


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Used with verbs:

"We called the police."
(called, contacted, alerted, informed, notified, told, involved)

"The police arrested the criminal."
(arrested, caught)

"The police investigated the crime."
(investigated, solved)

"The police raided the building."

"The police are patrolling the area."
(be + patrolling)

"The police arrived immediately."
(arrived, responded)

"The police questioned the suspect."
(questioned, interviewed, interrogated)

Used with nouns:

"He became a police officer."
(officer, chief, detective, commissioner)

"Police brutality is on the rise."
(brutality, corruption)

"We live near the police station."
(station, department)

"The robbery is under police investigation."

"She asked for a police escort."

"I filed a police report."

"He has a long police record."

"I want to join the police force."
(force, academy)

"The police uniforms were stolen."
(uniforms, cars)

"I hear a police siren."

"The police dogs are well-trained."

"We watched the police chase on TV."

Used with adjectives:

"The traffic police pulled me over again."
(traffic, undercover)

"We have armed police patrolling the area."
(armed, plain-clothed, uniformed)

"The city called in the riot police."
(riot, military)

"He was detained by the airport police."
(airport, border, campus)

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