How to Use "Policy" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words policy (n): a plan that people use to help make decisions; a written contract with an insurance company


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Used with verbs:

"He strictly enforces the policy."
(enforces, follows)

"We have a strict no smoking policy."
(have, operate)

"Our policy prohibits dogs."

"They have designed an effective policy on private spending."
(designed, developed, established, introduced, adopted)

"We support the school policy on expelling bullies."
(support, approve, favor, endorse, promote)

"This policy affects all of the employees."

"Our insurance policy expires tomorrow."
(expires, renews)

"My policy doesn't cover dental procedures."

"She took out a life insurance policy before she died."
(took out)

Used with nouns:

"He is one of the policy makers."

"I support policy change."
(change, reform)

"I am a policy holder."

Used with adjectives:

"Our company has a new policy."
(new, open, open-door)

"Company policy allows it."
(company, school, government, official)

"They have a clear policy of no smoking in the building."
(clear, specific, strict)

"They established an effective policy on reducing government spending."

"The school has a zero-tolerance policy on drugs."
(zero-tolerance, no tolerance)

"My auto policy is not very expensive."
(auto, insurance, life insurance)

"The government instituted a new economic policy."
(economic, public, foreign, domestic, national, international)

Used with prepositions:

"We have a policy of not allowing dogs inside the store."

"The landlord's policy on dogs is very firm."
(on, about)

"You can find the coverage information in the policy."

"Is collision coverage covered under the policy?"

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Next Word by Letter: political
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