How to Use "Political" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words political (adj): related to politics; related to the government


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Used with nouns:

"He is a political candidate."
(candidate, prisoner)

"Do you belong to a political party?"

"What are your political ties?"
(ties, views, opinions)

"I don't care about political issues."
(issues, power, awareness)

"She studied political science."
(science, economics, movements)

"Her political career is not going well."
(career, campaign)

"They are having a political discussion."
(discussion, debate)

Used with verbs:

"She is getting too political for my taste."
(be + getting, be + becoming)

"My father is very political."
(be: is/am/are)

Used with adverbs:

"The discussion is getting very political."
(very, highly, too)

"It was a purely political move."

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