How to Use "Potential" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words potential (adj): possible


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Used with nouns:

"There is one potential problem here."
(problem, issue, complication, drawback, hang-up)

"There are many potential impacts of his decision."
(impacts, effects, consequences)

"One potential advantage of going to church is meeting people."
(advantage, upside, positive)

"She is a potential client."
(client, enemy, target)

"There are some potential disadvantages."
(disadvantages, roadblocks, side effects, dangers)

Study Vocabulary Words potential (n): the possibility of something developing into something better


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Used with verbs:

"This city has the potential to be better."
(has, holds, possesses)

"He showed potential at a young age."
(showed, displayed, demonstrated)

"I see a lot of potential in you."
(see, recognize)

"I am trying to realize my full potential."
(realize, achieve, explore, fulfill, unlock, meet)

Used with adjectives:

"He has great potential."
(great, enormous, huge, limitless, tremendous, true, real)

"You are not being used to your full potential."
(full, maximum)

"Does it have future potential?"
(future, long-term, commercial, economic, growth)

Used with prepositions:

"This kid is full of potential."

"He shows potential as a musician."

"Our potential for growth is huge."

"She is a person with potential."

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