How to Use "Press" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words press (n): newspapers or magazines; a machine for printing newspapers or magazines


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Used with verbs:

"The press is censored by the government."
(be + censored, be + controlled, be + regulated)

"Did you alert the press?"
(alert, tell, meet)

"The press covered the incident all day."
(covered, reported on, mentioned)

"That actor gets a lot of bad press."
(gets, has, receives)

"The newspaper goes to press in the early morning."
(goes to)

Used with nouns:

"Did you see the press release?"
(release, statement)

"He spoke at the press conference."
(conference, briefing)

"There has been a lot of press coverage."

"The press report was short."

"He invited the press corps."
(corps, agency, reporter)

Used with adjectives:

"This country has free press."

"The foreign press covered the incident."
(foreign, local, national, international, mainstream)

"The printing press was a great invention."

Used with prepositions:

"I read about him in the press."

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