How to Use "Savings" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words savings (n): the amount of something not being used or spent


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Used with Adjectives:

"The company's savings were huge."
(huge, great, major, big, small, minor)

"The potential savings are substantial."
(potential, estimated, projected, expected, possible)

"We will have to use part of our retirement savings."
(retirement, life, personal, private, total)

Used with verbs:

"I don't have any savings."

"It is time to invest our savings."
(invest, spend, use, tap into, borrow from, clean out, take out, withdraw)

"The couple lost their savings in the stock market."
(lost, doubled, tripled)

"The redesign can offer savings in gas costs."
(offer, deliver, produce)

"How can we make additional savings?"
(make, achieve, increase, find)

"The major savings come from reduced costs."
(come from, result from)

Used with prepositions:

"We have special savings for our active members."

"There were big savings from reducing labor costs."

"Our company made major savings in labor costs."
(in, on)

"We had an annual savings of 10%."

Used with nouns:

"Do you have a savings account?"
(account, plan)

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