How to Use "Produce" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words produce (n): fruits and vegetables


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Used with verbs:

"I need to buy some produce at the market."
(buy, get, pick up)

"She sells fresh produce at the farmer's market."

"He grows his own produce."
(grows, exports)

"We eat a lot of produce."

Used with nouns:

"The produce section is over there."
(section, market)

Used with adjectives:

"We need to get more fresh produce."
(fresh, organic, local)

"I buy supermarket produce."
(supermarket, seasonal)

Study Vocabulary Words produce (v): to make or grow something; to make something in order to sell it


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Used with nouns:

"He always produces results."
(results, problems)

"He produced his first album."
(album, record, movie, film)

"The law produced new effects."
(effects, reactions, outcomes, revenue)

"The fire produced heat."
(heat, energy, waste, smoke)

"How do they produce electricity?"
(electricity, power, energy)

"They produce many types of goods."
(goods, drugs, materials, products)

"Has she produced evidence yet?"
(evidence, proof)

"The tree is producing flowers again."
(tree, plant)

"The generator produces energy for the whole town."
(generator, plant)

Used with adverbs:

"The products are domestically produced."
(domestically, locally, commercially, industrially, naturally, organically, cheaply)

"How many cars do they produce annually?"

"She typically produces enough dairy products for the small town."
(typically, normally, consistently)

"The film was professionally produced."
(professionally, independently)

Used with prepositions:

"The show is produced by his company."

"Cars are produced in a factory."

"We produce food with organic ingredients."
(with, from)

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