How to Use "Search" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words search (n): an attempt to find something


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Used with adjectives:

"We found our dog after a long search."
(long, thorough, never-ending)

"There has been a massive search for the tornado victims."
(massive, major, extensive, desperate, frantic, ongoing)

"The school conducts a routine search for drugs in the students' lockers."
(routine, random)

"The police did a house-to-house search looking for the escaped prisoners."

Used with verbs:

"We began our house search in February."
(began, started, ended, stopped, closed, ceased)

"The search for the missing travelers was conducted in poor weather conditions."
(be + conducted, be + carried out, be + done, be + performed)

"They continued the search into the night."

"The search was called off."
(be + called off, be + completed, ended)

"The search will resume in the morning."
(resume, continue, restart, begin, start)

"They narrowed the search to cover this area."
(narrowed, widened)

Used with nouns:

"The search area is too big."

"They sent out a search party."
(party, group, team)

"The police have a search warrant to enter the house."

Used with prepositions:

"We're in search of the perfect home."

"They are in search for gold."
(for, of)

Study Vocabulary Words search (v): to look for something


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Used with adverbs:

"They carefully searched the area for the missing child."
(carefully, thoroughly, actively, desperately, frantically)

"Jan is constantly searching for her purse."
(constantly, always, often)

Used with prepositions:

"We searched among the rocks for any sign of the boat wreckage."
(among, near, around, by)

"They are still searching for the missing girl."

"She searched in her purse for the car keys."
(in, through)

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