How to Use "Prove" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words prove (v): to show that something is true or real using facts or information


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Used with verbs:

"I was able to prove that I was right."
(be + able, be + unable)

"He needs to prove that he is innocent."
(needs to, can, cannot, has to)

Used with nouns:

"The scientist proved the hypothesis."
(hypothesis, theory)

"The attorneys proved her innocence."
(innocence, guilt)

"She proved her love."
(love, loyalty, point, worth)

"The evidence proved that he was guilty."
(evidence, prosecution)

"Research has proven that animals have languages."
(research, experiments, studies, scientists)

"She proved the allegations."
(allegations, claims, accusations)

Used with adverbs:

"I was able to prove conclusively that he was there."

"They scientifically proved it."
(scientifically, definitely)

"Unless you can prove otherwise, I'm right."
(otherwise, differently)

"That will only prove he was right."
(only, just, simply)

Used with prepositions:

"He proved his innocence to the court."

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