How to Use "Provide" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words provide (v): to give something that is needed


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Used with verbs:

"They failed to provide a safe environment."
(failed, tried)

"They can provide a good living."
(can, cannot, be + able to, be + unable to)

Used with nouns:

"My cousin provided me with housing."
(housing, funding, transportation)

"She provided the food for camping."
(food, equipment, refreshments)

"They provide instruction at school."
(instruction, training, education, opportunities)

"Can you provide some proof?"
(proof, evidence, references, details, information, answers)

"We provide many services at our spa."
(services, treatments)

"The trees provide shelter."
(shelter, protection, shade, cover)

"We provided them with decent compensation."
(compensation, incentives, accommodations)

"The window provided a view of the sea."

"The country provided freedom."

"I tried to provide some advice."
(advice, leadership, support)

"Can you provide a reason?"
(reason, receipt, clue, example, alibi, explanation, alternative, solution)

"She provided testimony at the trial."

"They provide insurance for employees."
(insurance, coverage, security)

"Dogs provide enjoyment for their owners."
(enjoyment, companionship)

"The fire provided warmth."
(warmth, heat, light, comfort)

"We provided a description to the police."
(description, statement)

"The business provided me a good living."
(living, income)

"The power plant provides energy to the city."
(energy, electricity)

"He always provides me with good input."
(input, feedback, criticism)

Used with adverbs:

"She kindly provided warm blankets to the cold children."

Used with prepositions:

"I cannot provide for my family."

"We provide food to homeless shelters."

"The teachers provided the students with school supplies."

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