How to Use "Rare" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words rare (adj): not often; not usual; not cooked very long


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Used with nouns:

"We have a collection of rare coins."

"I like rare steak."
(steak, meat, beef, hamburger)

"This is a rare opportunity for me."
(opportunity, event, chance, moment)

"Chocolate cake is a rare treat for me."

"Seeing them together is a rare sight."

"Those are rare gems."
(gems, minerals, metals)

"She has a rare disorder."
(disorder, disease, illness, condition)

"This is a rare gift."
(gift, thing, combination, individual)

"He made a rare appearance."

Used with adverbs:

"This animal is becoming increasingly rare to see."

"They found an extremely rare jewel."
(extremely, incredibly)

"I like my steak very rare."
(very, fairly)

Used with verbs:

"That color is becoming increasingly rare to find."
(be + becoming, be + getting)

"It is rare to see that kind of service these days."
(be: is/am/are, seems)

"That material remains rare around the world."
(remains, be + considered)

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