How to Use "Reality" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words reality (n): the situation that actually exists in real life


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Used with verbs:

"You can't ignore reality."
(ignore, escape from)

"The movie captures the reality of living on the streets."
(captures, represents, shows)

"You need to understand the reality of the situation."
(understand, recognize, face, accept)

Used with nouns:

"She needs a reality check."

"Reality TV is very popular."
(TV, shows, television)

Used with adjectives:

"Homelessness is a harsh reality."
(harsh, bitter, brutal, cold, sad, unpleasant, unfortunate, hard, cruel)

"Unemployment is a daily reality to some people."
(daily, everyday, day-to-day)

Used with prepositions:

"In reality, I don't know."

"The reality of the situation is unknown."

Previous Word by Letter: realistic
Next Word by Letter: realize
Previous Word by Frequency: importance
Next Word by Frequency: responsibility

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