How to Use "Responsibility" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words responsibility (n): a duty to fully take care of something


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Used with verbs:

"He's having a hard time handling his responsibilities."
(handling, fulfilling, meeting)

"We have many responsibilities at home."
(have, share)

"He is trying to avoid responsibility."
(avoid, deny, escape)

"You must accept your responsibility."
(accept, admit, face, acknowledge)

"He claimed responsibility for the accident."

"He couldn't take the responsibility."
(take, shoulder, bear, take over, take on)

Used with adjectives:

"Having children is a big responsibility."
(big, enormous, shared, huge, tremendous, major, added, additional, increased)

"She has a legal responsibility to her children."
(legal, parental)

"What is your main responsibility at work?"
(main, primary, direct, particular, specific, special, daily)

"I take full responsibility of the project's failure."
(full, complete, total, overall, sole)

"We have joint responsibilities with the children."
(joint, mutual, shared)

Used with prepositions:

"The teacher has a responsibility to her students."
(to, toward, for)

"The hospital has a responsibility for quality care."

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Next Word by Letter: responsible
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