How to Use "Relative" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words relative (adj): compared to others


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Used with nouns:

"She is a relative stranger to our family."

"Our country has relative abundance."
(abundance, freedom, wealth)

"He has a relative advantage with his height."

"It was done with relative ease."
(ease, effectiveness, success)

"I live in relative comfort."
(comfort, luxury, peace, silence)

Study Vocabulary Words relative (n): a family member


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Used with verbs:

"She lives with her relatives."
(lives with, cares for, stays with, supports, takes care of, visits)

"I found my relatives during the earthquake."
(found, helped, lost)

"I was looked after by my relatives."
(looked after)

"I have relatives all over the world."

"The police contacted the relatives of the victims."
(contacted, informed)

Used with adjectives:

"We are blood relatives."
(blood, distant, close, immediate)

"I have many elderly relatives."
(elderly, surviving, living)

"My mom has more female relatives on her side."
(female, male)

"It was exciting to meet my long-lost relative."

Previous Word by Letter: relationship
Next Word by Letter: relatively
Previous Word by Frequency: rarely
Next Word by Frequency: response

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