How to Use "Response" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words response (n): an answer


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Used with verbs:

"I awaited his response."
(awaited, waited for, received, got)

"He posted an official response on his website."
(posted, gave)

"I predict a slow response from them."

"She showed very little response to the medication."

"Don't try to influence his response."
(influence, affect)

Used with adjectives:

"She got a written response."
(written, delayed, good, thoughtful, incorrect, correct)

"What do you think the public response will be?"
(public, political)

"The film received a lukewarm response."
(lukewarm, favorable, positive, poor, enthusiastic)

"We did not get an immediate response from him."
(immediate, rapid, logical, quick)

"She never got a direct response."
(direct, official, rational)

Used with nouns:

"What is the response time to emergency calls?"
(time, rate)

Used with prepositions:

"In response to your question, I have no answer."

"I got a response from him last week."

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