How to Use "Research" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words research (n): the study of a specific subject to gain more facts or information


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Used with verbs:

"We are continuing our research on cancer."
(be + continuing, be + focusing)

"The study needs more research."
(needs, requires)

"I have reviewed their research."

"Our research showed positive results."
(showed, found, revealed, yielded, provided)

"We cited your research."
(cited, sponsored, funded, presented)

"Our research proved he was wrong."
(proved, confirmed, demonstrated, indicated, suggested)

"We published more research."
(published, produced, carried out, conducted, did)

"Our research supports the hypothesis."

Used with nouns:

"We are waiting for the research findings."
(findings, results, data)

"I am involved in a research project."
(project, study, program, unit, organization)

"Have you chosen a research topic?"
(topic, question, subject)

"I work at a famous research institute."
(institute, facility, institution, lab, university)

"I'm working on a research paper."
(paper, report)

"We hired a new research assistant."
(assistant, group, team, scientist, analyst)

"The research grant was awarded to our team."
(grant, funding)

Used with adjectives:

"The company does not do animal research."
(animal, experimental, laboratory, scientific)

"The team has done careful research on the subject."
(careful, meticulous, considerable, exhaustive, extensive, painstaking)

"My undergraduate research was on frog behavior."
(undergraduate, graduate, earlier, previous)

"The foundation donates a lot of money to AIDS research."
(AIDS, cancer, medical, scientific)

"We are conducting further research at the university."
(further, ongoing, cutting-edge, innovative, groundbreaking, new)

"The latest research proves our hypothesis."
(latest, clinical)

"Students rely on online research."

Used with prepositions:

"Scientists have been conducting research on the effect of global warming."
(on, into)

"Research in this field focuses on the long-term effects of Alzheimer patients."

Study Vocabulary Words research (v): to study a specific subject to gain more facts or information


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Used with nouns:

"I researched the biography."
(biography, issue, problem, topic, article)

Used with adverbs:

"He researched the topic carefully."
(carefully, extensively, thoroughly)

"This information has been properly researched."
(properly, poorly, well)

Used with prepositions:

"They did research into the same topic."

"I researched this for the university."

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