How to Use "Reserve" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words reserve (v): to hold or keep for future use


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Used with adverbs:

"This seat is specifically reserved for the movie star."
(specifically, only, specially, strictly, exclusively)

"The parking spot is typically reserved for the principal."
(typically, generally, normally, traditionally, usually)

"That table was previously reserved for the company president, but it's available now."

Used with nouns:

"Try to reserve judgment."

"Can I reserve a table for four?"

"I reserved a seat for you."
(seat, spot, space, ticket)

Used with prepositions:

"This table is reserved for the bride and groom."

Study Vocabulary Words reserve (n): something set aside for future use; extra military officers available if needed; a protected area of land for animals


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Used with verbs:

"I have a small reserve of canned foods in case of an emergency."

"We depleted all of our reserves."
(depleted, exhausted, used, used up)

"Our reserves are falling."
(be + falling, be + dwindling)

"We need to maintain our small reserve."
(maintain, keep, hold, build up, increase)

"The city created a natural reserve for animals."
(created, established)

Used with nouns:

"She has a reserve tank of gas."

"I have a reserve account for financial emergencies."

"The company has set aside reserve assets."
(assets, funds)

"We have many reserve troops."
(troops, units, officers, forces, soldiers)

"They are on reserve duty."

Used with adjectives:

"The company has huge reserves."
(huge, large, hidden, additional)

"We have to dip into our small reserve."
(small, low, existing)

"We have a large energy reserve."
(energy, gas, oil, food, gold, fuel, cash)

"He joined the army reserve."
(army, air force, marine, naval)

"We visited an animal reserve."
(animal, nature, natural, national, wildlife, marine)

Previous Word by Letter: research
Next Word by Letter: resident
Previous Word by Frequency: regular
Next Word by Frequency: standard

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