How to Use "Resource" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words resource (n): something that is useful or helpful


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Used with verbs:

"Our country lacks the necessary resources."
(lacks, squanders, has, acquired)

"He drained all of our resources."
(drained, exhausted, used up, depleted)

"We need to conserve our resources."
(conserve, protect, access, combine, share)

"They allocate their resources well."
(allocate, distribute, manage)

Used with nouns:

"She specializes in resource management."
(management, allocation, planning)

"Please refer to the resource center."
(center, guide)

Used with adjectives:

"She is the head of human resources."

"The country has excellent resources."
(excellent, valuable, rich, limited, abundant, significant, untapped)

"We need additional resources to complete the project."
(additional, extra)

"The library is a great place for educational resources."
(educational, information, learning, local, public)

"There are lots of good online resources."
(online, teaching)

"We are looking for renewable resources."
(renewable, natural, non-renewable, sustainable)

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