How to Use "Skin" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words skin (n): the outer layer of a person, animal, or fruit


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Used with adjectives:

"I'm jealous of your beautiful skin."
(beautiful, clear, smooth, good, perfect, healthy, soft)

"This fruit has thick skin."
(thick, thin, translucent, green)

"With age comes wrinkled skin."
(wrinkled, sagging, hard, leathery, rough, tough, loose)

"Babies have sensitive skin."
(sensitive, delicate, soft, pink)

"He has dry skin."
(dry, flaky, oily, greasy, pasty, itchy, blotchy, broken, damaged)

"The sailor's skin is sunburned."
(sunburned, weathered, freckled, tanned, bronzed, raw, tender)

"She has beautiful black skin."
(black, brown, dark, ebony, olive, tan, fair, ivory, light, white)

"She displayed her bare skin on the beach."
(bare, exposed, naked)

"He took off the banana skin."
(banana, apple, potato, onion)

Used with verbs:

"The knife broke the skin."
(broke, pierced, cut, punctured)

"The sun can burn your skin."
(burn, damage, irritate, age)

"You should protect your skin."
(protect, moisturize, exfoliate)

"Snakes often shed their skin."
(shed, lose)

"Too much water will dry the skin."
(dry, dry out)

"Her skin is glowing."
(be + glowing, be + glistening, be + sagging, be + blistering, be + burning, be + peeling)

"My skin is aging too quickly."
(be + aging)

"Ghosts make my skin crawl."

"Remove the skin before eating."
(remove, peel off)

Used with nouns:

"She's being treated for skin cancer."
(cancer, burns, damage, disease, lesions, allergies, infections, disorders, irritation, problems, rashes)

"You should see a skin specialist."

"What do you use for skin care?"

"He bought some new skin cream."
(cream, cleanser, products, lotion)

"She has nice skin color."
(color, tone, texture)

"The doctor will test your skin cells."
(cells, tissue)

Used with prepositions:

"Put this on your skin."
(on, against, next to)

"I feel pain beneath my skin."
(beneath, underneath)

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