How to Use "Restaurant" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words restaurant (n): a place where you pay to eat a meal


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Used with verbs:

"We went to a restaurant."
(went to, ate at, work at, went out to)

"The restaurant serves bad food."

"The restaurant caters to our community."

"I recommend this restaurant."

"The restaurant closed late."
(closed, opened)

"They finally opened a restaurant."
(opened, started)

"They closed their struggling restaurant."

"The restaurant specializes in seafood."

"She owns the restaurant."
(owns, runs, manages)

"I tried the new restaurant."

Used with nouns:

"She is a restaurant owner."
(owner, manager, worker, employee)

"McDonald's is a famous restaurant chain."

"He works in the restaurant industry."
(industry, business)

"The restaurant staff is great."

"My kids love restaurant food."
(food, meals)

"He's a famous restaurant critic."

"We need to make a restaurant reservation."

Used with adjectives:

"We went to a good Chinese restaurant."
(Chinese, Japanese, Mexican) *many additional adjectives

"This is a five-star restaurant."
(five-star, crowded, busy, family, sit-down)

"There are a lot of chain restaurants in this area."
(chain, excellent, good, great)

"We ate at an expensive restaurant."
(expensive, popular, nearby, neighborhood, fancy, outdoor)

"He owns a gourmet restaurant."
(gourmet, high-end, casual, local)

"Do you want to go to the new seafood restaurant?"
(seafood, pizza, fast food, vegetarian)

Used with prepositions:

"We ate at a restaurant."
(at, in)

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