How to Use "Result" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words result (n): something that happens because of something else; the final score; information after medical tests; test scores


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Used with verbs:

"We are analyzing their results."
(be + analyzing, be + evaluating, be + reading, be + interpreting, be + reviewing)

"We found their results misleading."

"They finally delivered the results."
(delivered, published, produced, yielded, provided, released, announced, reported)

"He achieved great results with the new method."
(achieved, had, got)

"We awaited the results."
(awaited, waited for, received)

"Our results differed from theirs."
(differed from, confirmed, supported, verified)

"These results indicate that I am right."
(indicate, suggest, imply, show)

Used with adjectives:

"It ended in negative results."
(negative, positive, good, bad)

"It was a direct result of her actions."
(direct, indirect)

"We got the desired results."
(desired, long-term, short-term, survey)

"What were the end results?"
(end, lasting, initial)

"The results were inaccurate."
(inaccurate, final, conclusive, accurate, reliable, promising, inconclusive, disappointing, mixed, excellent)

"The official results came in."
(official, exam, test, preliminary)

"We have had varying results."
(varying, inconclusive, abnormal)

"I'm worried about these lab results."
(lab, test, x-ray, clinical, election)

Used with prepositions:

"He was no longer able to play football as a result of the accident."

"We received the results from the medical tests."

Study Vocabulary Words result (v): to happen because of something


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Used with adverbs:

"His bad choices typically result in heartache."
(typically, inevitably, eventually)

"His poor work skills finally resulted in his termination."
(finally, ultimately, quickly, easily, possibly)

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