How to Use "Sample" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words sample (n): a small amount of something


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Used with adjectives:

"James gave the customer a large sample."
(large, big, huge, free, little, small)

"The water sample gave the scientist a clue."
(water, soil, rock, blood)

"We used a small sample for our research."
(small, total, random, population)

Used with verbs:

"The sample was chosen by a man."
(chosen, drawn, selected)

"The biologists took samples from the lake."
(took, collected, obtained)

"All workers must give a urine sample."
(give, provide)

"They needed to test the sample."
(test, study, look at)

"The sample contains traces of bacteria."
(contains, shows)

Used with nouns:

"We looked at some sample colors before making a decision."
(colors, paint, materials, books)

Study Vocabulary Words sample (v): to try a small amount of something


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Used with nouns:

"Jane got to sample the dessert."
(dessert, dinner, breakfast, lunch, dish, vegetables)

Used with adverbs:

"She randomly sampled different types of dishes."
(randomly, blindly)

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