How to Use "Schedule" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words schedule (n): a plan when things will be done


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Used with adjectives:

"We revised our daily schedule at work."
(daily, weekly, monthly, annual, yearly)

"The class took a look at the course schedule."
(course, class, school, exam)

"I have such a busy schedule."
(busy, full, tight)

"My schedule is flexible."
(flexible, open, wide open, free, empty)

"Connor checked the bus schedule for the afternoon."
(bus, train, plane, flight, ferry)

Used with verbs:

"She has a very full schedule."

"We need to design a schedule of activities for the summer."
(design, arrange, make, plan, prepare, create)

"John keeps a tight schedule."
(keeps, maintains)

"Let me check my schedule."
(check, look at)

Used with prepositions:

"Everything is going according to schedule."
(according to)

"We are five days behind schedule."
(behind, off, in front of ,ahead of)

"Please allow time in your busy schedule for lunch."

"The other team is right on schedule."

Study Vocabulary Words schedule (v): to plan something at a certain time


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Used with adverbs:

"Her appointments are currently scheduled for Mondays."
(currently, frequently, often, usually, always, regularly)

"The weekly meeting was originally scheduled on Mondays."
(originally, previously)

Used with prepositions:

"Her dentist appointment is scheduled for next week."

Used with nouns:

"She scheduled the appointment for next Thursday."
(appointment, audition, conference, interview, meeting, visit, event)

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