How to Use "Scene" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words scene (n): the place of an event; a view; a part of a movie or play


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Used with adjectives:

"There were footprints found near the crime scene."
(crime, murder, robbery, break-in, kidnapping, accident, crash)

"The garden was a beautiful scene."
(beautiful, magnificent, peaceful)

"The car accident was a horrible scene."
(horrible, gruesome, horrific, grisly)

"He is in the opening scene of the movie."
(opening, final, last)

"There is a romantic scene in the movie."
(romantic, funny, touching, tragic, action, battle, chase, fight, kissing, love, sex, death)

Used with verbs:

"The fireman was on the scene within minutes."
(was on, attended, rushed to, sped to, raced to)

"An ambulance soon arrived at the scene of the crash."
(arrived at, reached)

"A robber was seen fleeing the scene."
(fleeing, leaving, escaping, running from, returning to)

"They witnessed the horrible scene of the car crash."
(witnessed, watched, saw)

"Can you imagine the scene?"
(imagine, picture, describe)

"I remember that scene like it was yesterday."
(remember, recall)

"They practiced the action scene several times."
(practiced, rehearsed, filmed, shot)

Used with prepositions:

"The man died at the scene."
(at, on, near)

"Photographers were on the scene in seconds."
(on, at)

"We visited the scene of the crime."

"She only appeared in the last scene."

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