How to Use "Science" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words science (n): the study of the natural and physical world through tests and experiments


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Used with adjectives:

"She is a writer of popular science books."
(popular, modern, biological, natural, physical)

"Our class will be studying environmental science."
(environmental, computer, biological, physical, natural, space, earth, sports, food)

Used with verbs:

"Experimentation is important to advancing science."
(advancing, understanding)

Used with nouns:

"The science experiment was a disaster."
(experiment, project)

"Our science teacher conducted an experiment in class."
(teacher, professor, tutor)

"Science education is important for medical advancement."
(education, research, teaching)

"Please refer to your science textbook."
(textbook, book, journal, notebook)

Used with prepositions:

"The science of technology is advancing at a rapid rate."

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