How to Use "Sea" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words sea (n): a large body of salt water


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Used with adjectives:

"The sea was calm after the storm."
(calm, quiet, still)

"We rode through stormy seas."
(stormy, choppy, heavy, rough)

Used with verbs:

"Thousands of ships crossed the sea to Florida."
(crossed, sailed, traveled, braved)

"The woman went to sea last month."
(went to)

"A small boat was lost at sea."
(be + lost at, be + discovered at, be + found at)

Used with nouns:

"The sea water tasted salty."

"Many creatures live on the sea floor."
(floor, bottom, bed, shore)

"In California, the sea level is rising."

"The ocean is home to many sea creatures."
(creatures, birds, turtles)

Used with prepositions:

"They spent weeks at sea."
(at, on the)

"We sailed across the Black Sea."

"James lives by the sea."
(by, near)

"I love swimming in the sea."

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