How to Use "Secret" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words secret (n): something that is kept hidden from others


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Used with adjectives:

"I have a big secret."
(big, great, little)

"She kept a dark secret for many years."
(dark, dirty, terrible, shameful, family)

"I shared my deep secrets with him."
(deep, innermost, intimate)

Used with verbs:

"Can you keep a secret?"

"I have a big secret."

"We found out about the secret."
(found out about, discovered, learned, uncovered, know)

"How did the secret get out?"
(get out, come out)

"We shared our innermost secrets."
(shared, revealed)

"His decision remained a secret."
(remained, stayed)

Used with prepositions:

"They planned the party in secret."

"He knows a little secret about his family."

"I will not keep any secrets from you."

Study Vocabulary Words secret (adj): kept hidden from others


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Used with verbs:

"The meeting is secret."
(be: am/is/are)

"The surprise will stay secret until tomorrow."
(stay, remain)

"Please keep this secret."

Used with adverbs:

"The information is top secret."

"They have very secret meetings."
(very, highly, supposedly)

Used with prepositions:

"He kept things secret from his parents."

Used with nouns:

"The secret door is behind the wall."
(door, exit, entrance, room, location, passage, tunnel, vault)

"She is part of the secret police."
(police, service, society)

"They were having a secret affair."
(affair, meeting, rendezvous)

"He is a secret agent."

"She has a secret admirer."
(admirer, life, love, lover, passion, wish)

"He was caught on a secret camera."

"He stole the secret document."
(document, file, code, formula, information, password, plan)

"She found the secret recipe."
(recipe, ingredient)

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