How to Use "Skill" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words skill (n): a talent or ability


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Used with adjectives:

"It takes considerable skill to play the piano."
(considerable, great, remarkable, extraordinary, good)

"Students are learning basic skills."
(basic, new)

"I quit because I have poor skills."
(poor, little, low)

"He didn't have the necessary skills for the job."
(necessary, required, important, practical, special)

"We're practicing our listening skills."
(listening, reading, writing, conversation, speaking)

"School helped me to develop my math skills."
(math, language, business, research, computer, composition)

"She needs to improve her social skills."

Used with verbs:

"She has many skills."
(has, displays, possesses, lacks, needs)

"This job requires certain skills."
(requires, takes)

"Children learn new skills easily."
(learn, develop, acquire, gain, pick up)

"Now is the time to apply our skills."
(apply, use, utilize, test, demonstrate)

"When did you master this skill?"
(master, perfect)

Used with prepositions:

"She shows great skill with a paintbrush."

"He has little skill as a teacher."

"He likes to show off his skill in drawing."
(in, at)

"The skill of teamwork is highly valued."

Used with nouns:

"We are in training to improve our skill level."
(level, set)

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