How to Use "Series" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words series (adj): a number of things that go in order; a TV show that continues its storyline every day or every week


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Used with adjectives:

"He read the whole series in one week."
(whole, entire, long)

"The man was asked an endless series of questions."
(endless, long, continuous)

"Have you noticed the recent series of events?"
(recent, ongoing)

"That new television series is fun to watch."
(television, radio, movie, comedy, drama crime, reality, animated, cartoon)

"They are making the book series into several movies."

"She starred in the hit series."
(hit, popular, long-running, original, classic)

"We're watching a weekly series about climate change."
(weekly, special)

Used with verbs:

"They are filming a new series in March."
(be + filming, be + releasing, be + creating, be + writing, be + directing)

Used with prepositions:

"There have been a strange series of events occurring lately."

"I'm reading the final book in the latest series of books."

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