How to Use "Service" with Example Sentences

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Study Vocabulary Words service (n): the business of providing useful or necessary help for the public; a religious ceremony; the act of serving in the military


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Used with adjectives:

"The hospital provides excellent service."
(excellent, great, good, efficient, valuable, professional, friendly, quick, prompt)

"The soup kitchen provides free service."
(free, affordable)

"We offer specialized services for the blind."
(specialized, personalized, individual, necessary)

"We received terrible service at the restaurant."
(terrible, bad, awful, poor, slow)

"Please call customer service if you need anything."
(customer, room)

"We attended morning service."
(morning, afternoon, evening)

"I have to go to a funeral service this weekend."
(funeral, memorial, wedding)

"We thank you for your faithful service."
(faithful, loyal, long, outstanding, military, public, community)

Used with verbs:

"We offer excellent service to all customers."
(offer, provide, give, deliver, perform)

"The company can guarantee service within one hour."
(guarantee, promise)

"We need to improve our services before our business loses customers."
(improve, expand)

"We got terrible service from that hotel."
(got, received)

"Our family attends morning service at the local church."

"Our church held a funeral service today."

Used with nouns:

"The cable service provider was helpful."
(provider, company)

"The social service organizations in Seattle are great."
(organizations, agencies)

"Is there a service fee?"
(fee, charge)

Used with prepositions:

"The shelter provides basic services to homeless people."
(to, for)

"There will be memorial service for Vietnam veterans."

"The front desk is at your service day or night."

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